Nogizaka YM Clinic
People with pain under the inner ankle
Many people think that taping is something that athletes often do, but it is actually very effective for treating injuries in the general public as well. Here is a simple taping method.
Advantages : It can pinpoint support to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments you want to support . The more severe the patient's condition, the more effective it is. With taping, you can fix the area immediately.
Disadvantages : The person applying the tape must be knowledgeable. The tape can cause rashes. It must be reapplied frequently.
Summary : It is a very effective treatment if available. In orthopedic outpatient clinics, we see many patients whose pain does not go away or who do not heal completely due to insufficient fixation with just a support. Taping is a technique that is good for anyone who plays sports. I hope this will be helpful for those who have difficulty getting rid of pain or those who play sports.
People with pain under the inner ankle

Taping Method

People with pain under the inner ankle

People with pain under the inner ankle

People who injure the medial patellar retinaculum may also injure the pes anserine at the same time, so if you also have pain in the pes anserine, it is a good idea to use taping for anserine bursitis at the same time.

Taping for low back pain

Taping for right hip pain (rectus femoris injury, tensor fasciae latae injury, inferior anterior long bone spur avulsion fracture, etc.)